Superhero Wiki


Real Name
First Appearance
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #1 (May, 1984)
Kevin Eastman, Peter Laird
Team Affliations
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
Turtle Titan [original animated series only)
Base of Operations
New York City
Skills and Abilities
Ninjistu and Martial Arts Mastery
Tools and Weapons

Michaelangelo is a member of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and is known as the more irreverent and immature member.


Once a pet turtle mutated into a humanoid by radioactive materials, Michaelangelo was raised in the sewers along with his brothers by the mutant rat and martial arts master Splinter. Splinter trained Michaelangelo and his brothers in the martial arts and to be ninjas so they can protect their home of New York City.


Michelangelo was once a mere pet turtle until the day he and his brothers were accidentally dropped into the sewers of New York City during a driving accident that also released a potent mutagen into the sewer. The mutagen mutated him and his turtle brothers into humanoids, though still with the minds of children. The mutagen also changed a rat who also became a humanoid but with a more mature mind.  The rat, who once belonged to a ninja master, had absorbed wisdom from his owner and upon turning into a hominid, became a master of the martial arts and took the turtles in as his own children.

Splinter decided to name the children after his favourite Renaissance era artists: Leonardo, Raphael, Donatello and Michelangelo. They grew up as brothers, with Michelangelo training himself to be proficient in the nunchucks under the tutelage of Splinter and like his brothers was a skilled warrior. Eventually, they reached their teens and learned of Splinter's own pained past, his master murdered by the deadly ninja known as the Shredder, leader of the organization known as the Foot.

Michelangelo and the other Turtles went on a mission of vengeance to end the Shredder once and for all and after a hard-fought battle, the Shredder was defeated and died.
