Superhero Wiki

This timeline page is made with the purpose to catalog the main continuity timeline of the Marvel Universe. This page will focus only on the main timeline, otherwise known as Earth 616, and not the MCU, Marvel Animated Universe Timeline, or the X-Men Cinematic Universe. This timeline may be inaccurate, meaning that anyone may add anything they want, as long as it is officially Marvel, and part of the official Marvel Universe main timeline. Plus, make sure the content fits within the age that the comic was published in.


Dawn of Time

  • Thor Annual Vol. 1 #5 (Prologue) - The Marvel Universe forms, and Ymir, King of the Frost Giants, comes to be. Once Ymir falls asleep, the first of his descendants are formed. Afterwards, the first of the Asgardian gods, Suri, comes into existence. And lo, when Ymir's descendants and Suri form a union, the first Aesir are born, Ve, Vili, and Odin. When Odin grew older, he and his siblings went to war against Ymir. When Ymir fell, only two of his kind remained, Bergelmir and his wife, though Odin, Ve, and Vili were unaware. Soon, the three formed Midgard, Earth, and all its various features by raising Ymir's body to the surface from the flood created after his slaying and using the different parts. As for the skull, it was used to form the vault of the heavens and within that vault, sparks that formed the various stars as well as the sun and moon blew out. Eons passed and, eventually, time was created. And after Midgard was complete, the Aesir formed their home, Asgard, and the bridge that connected Asgard with Midgard, the rainbow bridge known as Bifrost. Within Asgard, Odin led the Aesir and decided to create the first humans. But as evil formed underneath Midgard, a champion was created to fight it, Odin's son and future ruler of Asgard, the mighty Thor. Within time, Thor gained his signature weapon, the mighty Uru hammer, Mjolnir.
  • Super-Villain Classics (The Birth of Galactus) - In the vast reaches of the universe, there once existed a planet known as Taa, a planet far more advanced than any others in the cosmos. However, a scientist of the planet named Galan discovered something troubling. Taa was headed for destruction. Beings across the universe, and eventually across Taa, begin to die of radiation poisoning. But Galan, determined to see that at least one being survives the destruction, takes a starship and a crew into a blast of cosmic rays so they may die nobly instead of by radiation poisoning. And so, the starship was bombarded by cosmic rays in an event that scientists call the Big Bang, in which the original universe died and another was formed. But Galan remained, and he was soon, after fusing with a deity, reborn as the galactic ravager known as Galactus. And so, after crashing onto the planet home of Uatu the Watcher, future member of The Inhumans, Galactus begins his incubation process over the planet Archeopia, which lasts for years. Until finally, the incubation cube is destroyed and Galactus emerges, ready to begin his unending trek across the universe to consumer life energy from the various planets, though some Archeopians manage to escape Galactus' rampage and become known as The Wanderers. Eventually, after millennia, Galactus finished work on Taa II, a world ship that would be home to Galactus.
  • Silver Surfer Annual Vol. 1 #2 (Saga of the Serpent Crown: Creation) - Many eons ago, after life energy was granted to the relatively new planet Earth through Demiurge, the beings known as the elder gods came to be. They included Mother Nature, then known as Gaea, Chthon the dark mystic, and Set, the great devourer. Within millions of years, Chthon became the first master of black magic, Gaea watched over the forms of organic life on the planet, and Set began his quest for total domination of the planet with his offspring, Sliggluth and Damballah. As a result, Gaea retreated deep into the earth and gave birth to Atum, a being who wielded the power of the sun, allowing him to destroy the legion of demons that followed Set's example. However, Atum absorbed the forms and energies of the demons he slayed into his own body, transforming him into Demogorge, the god-eater. Ultimately, Demogorge destroyed all the demons, save for Chthon, Set, and the spawn of Set. But not even they could stop him, until Chthon decided to retreat to another dimension after creating a link between himself and Earth. Set and his offspring soon followed, but not without leaving their old forms behind to fool Demogorge. Demogorge destroyed them, and dispersed of his form to become Atum once again. But Set did return, unaware to anyone, to continue where he left off.

Pre-Human history

  • Iron Man Annual Vol. 1 #10 (Saga of the Serpent Crown: Blood Feud) - After Set retreated and returned, the age of the dinosaurs came to be. Gaea realized that the future of the earth lied with the small mammals that lived side by side with the dinosaurs, but Set refused to let his dominance through the dinosaurs fade away, so he set the dinosaurs out to either hunt and kill the mammals, or trample them underfoot. Then, Gaea challenged Set to face her after she realized he was behind the deaths, and so Set took form on the planet after millions of years of being away so he could destroy Gaea and make the world his own. However, Gaea summoned Atum to do battle with Set, and the mighty being severed Set's head from his body with a single blast. However, as Atum returned to his form of Demogorge, from where one head was destroyed, two more took its place, and so on until the creature gained seven heads total. The war between Demogorge and Set ended up causing the extinction of the dinosaurs, but through Gaea, the mammals survived. Set was defeated, but not destroyed, as he retreated back to his home dimension. And so, Demogorge returned to Atum and peace was restored to earth.
  • Uncanny X-Men Annual Vol. 1 #13 (Saga of the Serpent Crown: Serpent in the Garden) & What If? Vol. 1 #23 (The First Celestial Host) - After Set's second retreat, ape-like beings inhabited the planet. However, one tribe of these creatures came upon a tribe controlled by Set who told them if they killed their tribe, they would join the tribe of Set. However, the tribe leader and his mate realized that the stranger who made the offer was evil and killed him, only for Set to bring him back with the head of a snake. With the rest of the tribe, evil tribe was pushed back and away, and immediately afterwards, the First Host of the Celestials arrived, as did Gaea. As Gammenon the Gatherer collected the wanderers and transported them to the Celestial ship, the legions of Set, the Serpent-Men, were driven away by Arishem the Judge. Within the ship, three races of humanity were formed. They were the Eternals, immortals with incredible powers, the Deviants, whose genetic structure wildly varies, and the normal humans, but these humans were given latent genes that would someday produce superhumans. With its work complete, the giant mother ship departed from the planet. The Serpent-Men proceeded to terrorize the humans, but humanity grew strong and fought back, forcing the remaining Serpent-Men into hiding. Afterwards, the legendary King Kull of pre-cataclysmic Atlantis would eventually slay the remaining Serpent-Men, but not all.
  • Eternals Vol. 2 #1 (The Three Faces of Man) - Long before human history was recorded, the Deviants enslaved the humans and built empires on their sweat and labor. After the empires of the Deviants were complete, the rulers and inhabitants of these empires turned their eyes toward the stars. However, the Celestials returned and the second host of the Celestials brought chastisement to the world conquerors, bringing the Deviant empires to an end. The Deviant continent of Lemuria sank beneath the sea while only a few humans managed to escape and create new homes for themselves once the waters had drastically lowered. In the following ages, the humans saw glimpses of the Eternals, mistaking them for divine beings, while the Deviants beneath the ocean floor rebuilt their civilization.
  • Doctor Strange: Sorcerer Supreme Vol. 1 #21 & #22 (The Book of the Vishanti) - Within time, multiple other universes, popularly called dimensions, are formed. Forming, with our universe, into what's known as the Multiverse. Among these include, but are not limited to, the Negative Zone, the Dimension of Dreams, and the Dark Dimension. And within these other dimensions, various beings came to be. Two of these were wizards who migrated from The Flatline to live in the Dark Dimension, known as Umar and Dormammu. Dormammu soon changed his form by fusing with the energy of the Dark Dimension, while Umar kept her humanoid form, but after she gave birth to a daughter, she couldn't turn back to her human form from the trauma of seeing her daughter made of flesh, and she turned violent and threatened her brother. But she was banished by Dormammu to a pocket universe. After, Dormammu set his sights on conquering Earth, but it was defended by a young sorcerer who was the first Sorcerer Supreme, The Ancient One.

Legends of Asgard - Before Third Ragnarok

  • Journey Into Mystery Vol. 1 #99 - Odin confronts the villainous fire demon, Surtur, and traps him within the planet Earth.
  • Journey Into Mystery Vol. 1 #114 - Iduna begins her delivery of the golden apples of immortality to Asgard, but is confronted by Fenris, the wolf god. However, Haakun the Hunter came to the rescue and banished him to Varinheim.

Legends of Asgard - Era of the Third Ragnarok

  • Thor: Ages of Thunder (Up to Page 5) - A group of Frost Giants attack Asgard, but Heimdall alerts his fellows to the attack and the giants are forced back.
  • Journey Into Mystery Vol. 1 #104 - As a response to the Frost Giant attack, and after Heimdall saw an enemy advance coming, two days before it made it to Asgard, Odin tasks Heimdall with guarding the Bifrost bridge.
  • Thor: Ages of Thunder (Page 6 until end of Chapter 1) - While Thor goes off to hunt the remaining Frost Giants from the attack, a mason arrives in Asgard offering to fix the wall made by the fall of a Frost Giant killed in the attack. In exchange, he will get Idunna as his bride, but he is given only six months to do the job and none of the gods were allowed to meddle in his work. The mason nearly succeeds, but Loki turns into a mare to distract the mason's horse, his beast of burden, causing him to fail at completing the job. Outraged, the mason reveals his true form, that of a Frost Giant. But before the creature can begin any destruction, Thor returns and does the job, carrying many severed Frost Giant heads behind him.

Legends of Asgard - After Third Ragnarok

  • Journey Into Mystery Vol. 1 #105 - King Brimmer and Queen Nedra of the Storm Giants decide to attack Asgard, by sending a Vanna to sneak past Heimdall and spy on Asgard. However, thanks to Heimdall, the Vanna is caught.

Tens of thousands of years ago

  • What If? Vol. 1 #24 (The First Eternals) - In the Arctic, a group of beings that would later be known as the Eternals gathered to create a home of their own, a city called Titanos. However, after the completion of the city, an Eternal named Uranos tells Chronos that they must spread and conquer the rest of the world, but Chronos rejects the proposition. As a result, Chronos and Uranos go to war. This civil war ended with the defeat and capture of Uranos and his followers. They were banished from Earth and into space. After Chronos cast off the ways of war, in time he managed to isolate the unique cosmic energy that separated the Eternals from the rest of the species on the planet. However, the energy was too great and powerful for the container to hold, and the volatile tube shattered. The explosion of energy disintegrated Chronos and rocked Titanos, however, Chronos did not die in the explosion. He became a one with the universe, a bodiless wraith. As for the people of Titanos, the gained practical immortality from the explosions, truly becoming the Eternals.
  • What If? Vol. 1 #25 (The First Uni-Mind) - After the explosion, the sons of Chronos, Zuras and Alars, discover the reason behind it and what happened to their father and are tasked with ruling Titanos. However, the young princes knew that there could be only one king for Titanos, so they came together to from the Uni-Mind. Once it was created, Zuras is given the position of ruler of Titanos, while Alars leaves to avoid causing any conflict on the planet.
  • What If? Vol. 1 #26 (Outpost on Uranus) - Uranos and his banished followers manage to change their trajectory to a Kree outpost on the planet Uranus. Once they end up inside the outpost, Uranos and his army take it for themselves after defeating the Sentry guarding it. However, the Kree are alerted to it and head to Uranus to deal with the intruders.
  • What If? Vol. 1 #27 (Kree Encounter) - Following the destruction of Kree Sentry 213, Astron, one of Uranos' followers, regrets the decision made by his fellows and attempts to stop them from destroying the remaining Kree weaponry. But Uranos doesn't listen and begins building a spaceship that can take him and his followers back to Earth, thought Astron refuses to follow and is left on Uranus as a result. However, the Kree spot the ship and destroy it as it passes Saturn, seemingly killing everyone aboard.
  • What If? Vol. 1 #28 (New Life) - It's revealed that Uranos and his followers actually survived the destruction of their ship. Together, they land safely on the surface of one of the moons of Saturn. And so, they begin plans to build their own civilization on the moon, one mightier than Titanos, and they decide to name it Titan. However, one of Uranos' followers, Arlok, is found by the Kree and taken back to the Kree home world for examination. The supreme leader of the Kree decides to let his subjects travel to Earth to experiment on the inhabitants to discover how Arlok's fellow Eternals came to be the way they are, but instead of experimenting on the Eternals, they end up performing examinations and experiments on a tribe of cavemen. These experiments, in 25 years time, after the Kree left the planet for their own home world, would turn these guinea pig cavemen into the beings that would be known as The Inhumans.
  • Thor Vol. 1 #146 (The Origins of the first Inhuman) - Far away on an island was a city known as Attilan, and the inhabitants of which spent every moment of physical energy they could to advance human knowledge. But when the time came to test something known as Terrogen Mist, a mist that could unleash a plague upon the planet, the leader of Attilan, Randac, decided to test it himself. And lo, the first ancestor of the Inhumans was created.
  • Thor Vol. 1 #147 (The Reason Why) - In time, Kree Sentry 459 arrives on Earth to see how the Kree experiments affected the advanced society on Attilan. The Sentry discovers that the experiments were successful, and discovers Randac's new power as an Inhuman, giving him the said name. But before departing, after hearing that Randac will allow more of his fellow Attilans into the Terrogen Mist chamber to gain Inhuman powers as well, the Sentry warns Randac that if the Kree return, they may return as deadly foes to humanity.
  • Captain America Comics Vol. 1 #1 (Stories from the Dark Ages) - In the prehistoric wilds of 50,000 B.C, the last of the shaggy ones, Ak, has motion Tuk to his side. The shaggy one begins to tell a tale about the day two hairless ones were cast onto the shores by their tribesmen. The hairless ones were a couple named Phadion and Rhaya who also had their infant child with them. As soon as they arrived onto the unknown land, Gholla, the woolly horned, began a battle with Phadion. Sadly, the two died in the violent battle, leaving Rhaya alone with her child. Within moments the scent of the blood brought the four-footed killer from the forest, Kag the lion wolf. Ak had witness the event and save Rhayda and her child. He took them to a cave where he began to worship the two. Later, while Ak hunted for food, Gru the lion found the worship cave and kills Rhayda. Before dying, Ak reveals to Tuk that he was baby that was brought to the shores. After hearing the tale, Tuk decides to leave his beloved rock country. On his journey he runs into Goreks and they attack Tuk. However, Tanir saves Tuk from the Goreks and the two decide to travel together.
  • Captain America Comics Vol. 1 #2 (The Valley of the Mist) - As Tuk and Tanir continue their search for Atlantis, they come across the people ruled by King Amir who are being terrorized by the Hairy Ones a tribe of primitives savages. Fighting them off, Tuk and Tanir are thanked and shown the path to Atlantis. This takes them through the Valley of the Mist, and they soon find that the mists have anesthetic properties and are soon knocked out. They are captured by the Witches of Endor who seek to sacrifice them. When they revive they find that they have Princess Eve, formally of Atlantis, as their prisoner and hope to convert her into one of their own. Tuk and Tanir then fight off the Witches and free Eve and escape into the jungle. Eve explains that she was recently ousted from her kingdom by her evil uncle and asks the pair to help them liberate her people.
  • Captain America Comics Vol. 1 #3 (Atlantis and the False King) - Tuk and Tanir have agreed to help Princess Eve free her kingdom of Atlantis from the evil rule of her uncle. However their arrival in the area does not go unnoticed as the kings Soothsayer has detected their presence through his crystal ball. The king confronts them as they enter the kingdom through a secret passage way and battles Tuk and Tanir. When the duo appear to be too strong for him he calls the guards to attack them. However, when Princess Eve reveals herself to them they stand down and the evil king is taken off to the dungeon while Eve retakes her rightful role as ruler of Atlantis. She offers the two heroes to stay in her kingdom, however the decline telling her that they must travel onward to seek out the "island of the gods" known as Attilan.
  • Captain America Comics Vol. 1 #4 (The Ogre of the Cave Dwellers) - On their way to find Attilan the so called "Island of the Gods" Tuk and Tanir come across a large group of people fleeing the area. When they ask what is happening one of the people fleeing tells them that the area is being terrorized by a brute named Bonzo and his gang of primitives. Deciding to investigate, the two adventurers find that one caveman is not willing to flee from Bonzo and stands his ground to defend his mate and child. He is quickly beaten to death by Bonzo's men and before they can do the same with his Tanir fires an arrow at one of the men, killing him. Frightened by the "Magic Stick" Bonzo and his minions would flee. Knowing that once they regain their courage they will be back, Tanir sends Tuk and the woman into the wilderness while he deals with the savages. When Bonzo and his men come back they easily get the drop on Tanir and are about to kill him when he offers to use his bow and arrow for their cause. Impressed by this, Bonzo agrees, but warns him to follow orders or meet death. When Tuk is spotted spying on them, Bonzo orders Tanir to kill his ally. Tanir makes it look as though he hit Tuk with his bow and rushes off to recover the boy's body. The two begin plotting to eliminate Bonzo but when they are overheard by one of Bonzo's men, the pair overpower him and throw him off a cliff to his death. Tuk then leaves the scene and Tanir goes back to Bonzo to prove his "loyalty" so that he may begin to plot to eliminate Bonzo's reign of terror in the region once and for all.
  • Captain America Comics Vol. 1 #5 (The Death of Bonzo) - Tanir is still being forced to use his bow and arrow for Bonzo the savage and his minions, and so Tuk begins actively trying to find a means to rescue his friend. When he lures a sabretooth tiger into the area, Bonzo forces Tanir to slay it. Realizing that Tuk is responsible, Bonzo orders Tanir to kill his friend. Tanir has no choice and fires a burning arrow toward a herd of elephants, and the blaze spooks them into stampeding. Tuk uses this stampede to his advantage, leading the herd toward Bonzo's group, forcing them all to scatter. Left alone, Bonzo becomes easy prey to Tanir who slays him with his bow and arrow. With Bonzo dead and his minions scattered, Tuk and Tanir continue on their quest to find the island of Attilan.

Kull of Atlantis

  • Savage Sword of Conan Vol. 1 #190 (Death and Life in Tiger Valley) - TBA
  • Savage Sword of Conan Vol. 1 #191 (Death and Life in Tiger Valley Part 2) - TBA
  • Savage Sword of Conan Vol. 1 #192 (Death and Life in Tiger Valley Part 3) - TBA
  • Savage Sword of Conan Vol. 1 #193 (Kull the Pict Killer) - TBA
  • Savage Sword of Conan Vol. 1 #196 (Bride of the Buccaneer) - TBA
  • Savage Sword of Conan Vol. 1 #197 (Raiders of the Pictish Isles) - TBA
  • Savage Sword of Conan Vol. 1 #198 (Vengeance in Valusia) - TBA
  • Savage Sword of Conan Vol. 1 #199 (Vengeance in Valusia Part 2: The Pit) - TBA
  • Savage Sword of Conan Vol. 1 #202 (Exile of Atlantis) - TBA
  • Savage Sword of Conan Vol. 1 #229 (Enslaved!) - TBA
  • Savage Sword of Conan Vol. 1 #230 (King Kull: Like a Wolf at Bay) - TBA
  • Savage Sword of Conan Vol. 1 #231 (Rotath of Lemuria) - TBA
  • Savage Sword of Conan Vol. 1 #232 (The Oath) - TBA
  • Savage Sword of Conan Vol. 1 #233 (Death in a High Place) - TBA
  • Savage Sword of Conan Vol. 1 #122 (One Against All) - TBA
  • Savage Sword of Conan Vol. 1 #138 (The Mine) - TBA
  • Kull the Conqueror Vol. 1 #1 - TBA
  • Kull the Conqueror Vol. 1 #2 - When Kull rose to the throne of Valusia, ambassador Ka-Nu of the Picts informed him of the existence of the Serpent-Men. Brule was tasked with exposing the Serpent-Men living in the City of Wonders. The search was concentrated in court, where Serpent-Men posed as Tu, other councilors, and Red Slayers. One Serpent-Man was found in the guise of Kull himself. The real Kull slaughtered the exposed Serpent-Men. The center of their power in the royal castle was found to be a chamber where king Eallal was slain 1000 years before the reign of Kull. The chamber was still haunted by his ghost. Kull managed to seal the chamber. With his eyes open to the threat, Kull swore to continue hunting them across land and sea. Never resting until all the Serpent-Men are dead.
  • Monsters on the Prowl Vol. 1 #16 (The Forbidden Swamp) - King Kull, along with his friend Brule and a group of Red Slayers enter the Forbidden Swamp, trying to locate the Temple of the Serpent-Men believed to be hidden within. They kill several Serpent-Men along the way until they finally spy the temple on the other side of a large river. They fashion a raft out of logs and attempt to cross the river when they hear chanting from three Serpent-Men priests. The chanting brings forth a giant river dragon, which nearly kills the group of adventurers. They manage to get across the river, however, and kill the priests with Kull proving immune to their weapons. Kull alone enters the temple where he encounters Thulsa Doom, who claims that he had come to the temple to rescue his beloved, but was too late as her body lay prostrate across the alter. Kull invites Thulsa back to his city despite the protestations of Brule and the others who have heard rumors of the lord's evil ways. Kull dismisses their warnings, however, saying that he will be welcome until he does something to make himself unwelcome.
  • Kull the Conqueror Vol. 1 #3 - TBA
  • Kull the Conqueror Vol. 1 #4 - TBA
  • Savage Sword of Conan Vol. 1 #2 (The Beast from the Abyss) - TBA
  • Kull the Conqueror Vol. 1 #5 - TBA
  • Kull the Conqueror Vol. 1 #6 - TBA
  • Kull the Conqueror Vol. 1 #7 - TBA
  • Creatures on the Loose Vol. 1 #10 (Trull! The Inhuman) - Kull is warned not to open the doors to the castle, as doing so will unleash an ancient evil. Kull ignores the warnings, breaks the lock, and opens the door. He is almost overwhelmed by, and barely defeats, the mystic entity known as Silence. After trapping the entity back in the castle, and re-locking the doors, he declares that no one should ever open those doors.
  • Savage Sword of Conan Vol. 1 #23 (The Striking of the Gong) - TBA
  • Kull the Conqueror Vol. 1 #8 - TBA
  • Kull the Conqueror Vol. 1 #9 - TBA
  • Kull the Conqueror Vol. 1 #10 - TBA
  • Savage Sword of Conan Vol. 1 #55 (Wizard and Warrior) - TBA
  • Savage Sword of Conan Vol. 1 #137 (The Brawl) - TBA
  • Savage Sword of Conan Vol. 1 #34 (Mirrors of Tuzun Thune) - TBA
  • Bizarre Adventures Vol. 1 #26 - Sekhmet Tharn, a sorcerer of the Serpent-Men, set out to conquer Valusia. He re-animated the corpses of Valusian kings and send them to terrorize Valusians. Kull found himself facing his predecessor King Borna. Destroying him for a second time. Jeesala, daughter of Sekhmet Tharn, attempted to seduce Kull. He turned her down. Sekhmet Tharn then managed to drug Kull. Jeesala attempted to seduce him again and this time succeeded. They had sex right before the eyes of her father. The corrupted Kull took her as his new royal mistress. Under the influence of Jeesala, Kull degenerated into a tyrant. He taxed Valusians heavily and physically abused them. Soon the people were ready to turn on him, even his loyal Red Slayers. Brule attempted to reason with Kull and bring him back to his senses. Kull simply struck him and ordered him to leave. The following a rebellion broke out. Jeesala almost slew Kull through an enchanted mirror, but Brule saved him. Breaking the mirror resulted in Kull regaining his senses. Jeesala took her true form and revealed that an army of undead kings was marching against the City. She tried to kill Kull using an acid-dart. He dodged the dart, grabbed Brule's spear and killed her. Kull and Brule managed to convince the revolting Valusians to turn their attentions toward the undead army. every able-bodied man in the City of Wonders fought against the undead. Sekhmet Tharn appeared and summoned a Kraken to enforce his army. He then tried slsying Kull, forming a corrupted double of the king. Kull slew his evil double and decapitated Sekhmet Tharn. With his death, the Kraken also died. Kull managed to regain the trust of his people.
  • Kull the Destroyer Vol. 1 #11 - TBA
  • Kull the Destroyer Vol. 1 #12 (Moon of Blood) - TBA
  • Kull the Destroyer Vol. 1 #13 (Torches from Hell) - TBA
  • Kull the Destroyer Vol. 1 #14 (The Black Belfry) - TBA
  • Kull the Destroyer Vol. 1 #15 (Wings of the Night-Beast) - TBA
  • Kull and the Barbarians Vol. 1 #2 (The Teeth of the Dragon) - TBA
  • Kull and the Barbarians Vol. 1 #3 (The Omen in the Skull) - TBA
  • Savage Sword of Conan Vol. 1 #9 (When a Tiger Returns to Atlantis) - TBA
  • Kull the Destroyer Vol. 1 #16 - TBA
  • Kull the Destroyer Vol. 1 #17 (The Thing from Emerald Darkness) - TBA
  • Kull the Destroyer Vol. 1 #18 - TBA
  • Kull the Destroyer Vol. 1 #19 - TBA
  • Kull the Destroyer Vol. 1 #20 - TBA
  • Kull the Destroyer Vol. 1 #21 - TBA
  • Kull the Destroyer Vol. 1 #22 - TBA
  • Kull the Destroyer Vol. 1 #23 - TBA
  • Kull the Destroyer Vol. 1 #24 - TBA
  • Kull the Destroyer Vol. 1 #25 - TBA
  • Kull the Destroyer Vol. 1 #26 - TBA
  • Kull the Destroyer Vol. 1 #27 - TBA
  • Kull the Destroyer Vol. 1 #28 - TBA
  • Kull the Destroyer Vol. 1 #29 - TBA
  • Marvel Preview Vol. 1 #19 (Riders Beyond the Sunrise & Kull II) - TBA
  • Kull the Conqueror Vol. 2 #1 - An earthquake strikes the city. While rebuilding, Kull breaks open a previously buried tomb covered by Serpent-Men symbols. A sorceress attempts to win Kull and is rejected. She thus plans Kull's downfall.
  • Kull the Conqueror Vol. 2 #2 - TBA
  • Mavel Team-Up Vol. 1 #112 - Spider-Man feels himself floating through space, his arm bleeding and sore, his head throbbing with pain. He recalls how he and Devil-Slayer battled Serpent Men and Spider-People, and how those he thought were the Defenders — including Devil-Slayer — turned out to be more Serpent Men in disguise. Then he remembers Serpent Men's fangs stabbing into his arm, their venom mingling with his blood. The images slowly fade and are replaced by the familiar visages of Wong and Dr. Strange. Wong informs his master that Spider-Man is awake. As Spider-Man clears his head, Wong tells him that he is in Dr. Strange's Greenwich Village sanctum, and Strange, levitating nearby, says that Spider-Man has been feverish and delirious for hours. Spider-Man wonders why he is so ill, and Strange says that he is dying of the serpent bite sustained during his recent battle. Ordinarily, he continues, the bite would not be fatal, but the venom is deadly to Spider-People, the Serpent Men's hereditary enemies. Spider-Man has much in common with them, says Strange, including their reaction to the poison. Suddenly, Spider-Man keels over in pain, and Strange casts a spell that levitates him back onto the couch. Strange tells Spider-Man to stare at a lit brazier that he calls the Cauldron of the Cosmos. Within its flames, Spider-Man begins to see the vague outlines of a castle and people marching. Strange says that he is seeing a world of 20,000 years ago, when Atlantis still stood above the sea and King Kull was monarch of the Earth's greatest nation, Valusia. Strange explains that after Kull drove the Serpent Men into hiding, his scholars studied the serpent ways and wrote down descriptions of their obscene rites and arcane magicks. Unfortunately, few Valuslan works survive, he continues as he removes a tome from a shelf, and there is only one way to cure his condition. Spider-Man, however, is unwilling to travel backward in time. But before he can say anymore, he faints. Strange says that he could not send Spider-Man physically back in time because it would cause untold temporal chaos. Instead, he weaves a spell to bring out Spider-Man's astral form. The astral form will be sent into the past, and another spell will give Spider-Man the power to possess a human host for a limited time. Thus equipped, Spider-Man should be able to find the cure on his own. Strange will remain in the present to protect Spider-Man's corporeal body. Spider-Man is so bewildered to be outside his body that Strange has to cast a Spell of Acceptance to calm him. Then he chants an incantation that sends the astral form back to the Age of Valusia. Spider-Man sees many historical events as he passes backward through time, arriving in Valusia just as King Kull is leading his loyal Red Slayers into his capital city. As Spider-Man watches the cheering throng from above, he notices a bowman on a roof overlooking the plaza take aim at the king. He swoops down and possesses the body of a citizen. He is pleased to discover that when he takes over a host, the person gains his spider-powers. The citizen sheds his boots and quickly clambers up to a roof, from which he leaps down onto the assassin before he can shoot his arrow. Kull and his right-hand man, Brule the Spear-Slayer, note what happened, and Kull summons the man who saved him to his court and is astounded that the man has no idea what he did. The man says that something seemed to enter his body, but he can remember nothing more. Uttering an oath, Kull admits that it smacks of sorcery. There are many wizards who would like to see him dead, he muses, but none, as far as he knows, who would aid him. Then Spider-Man, through Brule, asks Kull for the mystic potion to counter the effects of the serpent venom. But Tu, Kull's advisor, explains that there is no such potion in Valusia. At this Spider-Man becomes angry and grabs Tu by the lapels. He has journeyed 20,000 years into the past seeking a cure, he rages, and now he is told that the cure does not exist. Then his time in Brute's body expires, and he leaves Brule standing before Tu, who is on his knees begging the "great spirit" not to do away with him. Brule is bewildered, but after Kull explains what happened, Brule says that there is indeed a man who has such a potion. He is Ju-Lak, a Pict like Brule, and an outcast shaman. His knowledge of the dark arts is as great as his lust for power, says Brule, but he is quite insane. Kull feels that he owes his life to whatever spirit possessed his rescuer, so he arranges an expedition to the Pictish mountains to find the shaman. Soon Kull and Brule are at the head of a column of horsemen headed into Pictish territory, with the astral form of Spider-Man floating invisibly above them. Unfortunately, Ju-Lak himself observes them from afar within the flames of a brazier similar to Dr. Strange's Cauldron of the Cosmos. Spider-Man's spider-sense tingles, but before he can possess a body to warn Kull, the king halts his men, saying he smells "death in the air and blood on the wind." Suddenly a group of leather-skinned beast-men descend from the trees and attack. The horsemen dismount to defend themselves against the demons, who are armed with swords and shields. Spider-Man possesses one of the soldiers, who gains spider-powers and starts to wreak havoc among the creatures. Kull exhorts his troops to match Spider-Man's feats and courage, and the men start to beat the demons back. Ju-Lak curses Kull's prowess. But, he thinks, much more dangerous than Kull is the spirit that serves him. He decides that he must own the powerful spirit himself, so he changes his tactics. Dropping a sparkling powder into his cauldron, he creates a hot wind and blots out the sky with black clouds where Kull is battling. Then an enormous hand appears in the air above Kull, and everything turns black. When consciousness returns, Kull is bound on his knees in the middle of Ju-Lak's village surrounded by Pict warriors, his men are likewise held captive, and Spider-Man's astral form is floating in a mystic cage. Remarkably, the cage makes that astral form visible. Ju-Lak gloats over his victory and the power of his spells, but Kull is not interested in the boasts and simply asks what the shaman wants. Ju-Lak proposes a "fair" contest between himself and Kull. But first he will mortify himself by absorbing the "spider-spirit." This Spider-Man refuses to do, but the shaman chants a mystic spell that compels Spider-Man's astral form to enter his body. Having gained Spider-Man's powers, Ju-Lak sets Kull free and challenges him to battle. Kull replies that he fears no sorcery of Ju-Lak's, for he has his own spiritual links to the Tiger God. Then Ju-Lak and Kull battle. They are almost evenly matched, until Kull is distracted when a Pict warrior starts to beat up the helpless Brule, allowing Ju-Lak to knock Kull out. As Ju-Lak prepares to sink his spear point into Kull's body, Spider-Man suddenly starts to battle the shaman from within. This immobilizes Ju-Lak long enough for Kull to regain consciousness and kick him into a totem pole. Claiming victory, Kull raises his sword to behead the shaman, but then he remembers to spare him, because only the shaman knows how to make the potion that will save Spider-Man's life. As the shaman revives, Kull tells him to brew the potion or die. He swears to do it and releases Spider-Man's astral form. Soon the liquid is ready, and as Kull prepares to drink it, Spider-Man enters his body. Then, as Kull gags over the vile-tasting substance, Spider-Man is pulled swiftly forward to the twentieth century and the mansion of Dr. Strange. As soon as his astral form re-enters his body, Spider-Man rises from the couch feeling perfectly cured. He discards his sling and does some acrobatics. Unfortunately, he remembers nothing of his strange experience, which Dr. Strange believes is just as well, for it could drive him insane. Spider-Man thanks Strange for whatever it was that he did -the "old hocus-pocus" - and web-swings out the window. As he passes by a theater showing the movie Excalibur, he thinks about inviting Debra Whitman on a date to see it. He enjoys sword-and-sorcery stories, he muses, even if they are a bit far-fetched.
  • Kull the Conqueror Vol. 3 #1 - TBA
  • Kull the Conqueror Vol. 3 #2 (The Amulet of Ka) - Kull is forced to leave the City of Wonders when Tu is critically injured and Kull must seek out an herb that may be the dying man's last chance. But in doing so he encounters a race of bird people, led by a warrior who may be Kull's match.
  • Kull the Conqueror Vol. 3 #3 (Dead Men of the Deep) - As a war brews in the background, Kull finds an old partner in slavery, frees him, and together they go in search of the pirate who sold the two of them into bondage.
  • Kull the Conqueror Vol. 3 #4 - TBA
  • Kull the Conqueror Vol. 3 #5 - TBA
  • Kull the Conqueror Vol. 3 #6 - TBA
  • Kull the Conqueror Vol. 3 #7 - TBA
  • Kull the Conqueror Vol. 3 #8 - TBA
  • Kull the Conqueror Vol. 3 #9 - TBA
  • Kull the Conqueror Vol. 3 #10 - The chamber of king Eallal remains sealed. A pair of Valusian conspirators suspect that there is treasure hidden there. They trick Gonra to open the chamber for them. Living Serpent-Men emerge from the chamber and attack them. Gonra fights them bravely but has to retreat. Kull is alerted by the noise and responds by arriving to the chamber. He faces the Serpent-Men, including one who has assumed the form of Gonra. He manages to kill them all in battle. In death, the Gonra imposter returns to his real form. Kull decides to cleanse the chamber with fire and then reseal it. This time using brick and mortar to make sure nobody can open it.
  • Savage Sword of Conan Vol. 1 #42 (Kings of the Night) - TBA
  • Savage Sword of Conan Vol. 1 #43 (Kings of the Night Part 2) - TBA
  • Savage Sword of Conan Vol. 1 #120 (Night of the Monkey) - TBA
  • Savage Sword of Conan Vol. 1 #121 (Pieces of Horror) - TBA
  • Savage Sword of Conan Vol. 1 #132 (The Sea King) - TBA
  • Savage Sword of Conan Vol. 1 #135 (Fool's Night) - TBA
  • Savage Sword of Conan Vol. 1 #124 (Song of the Dead) - TBA
  • Savage Sword of Conan Vol. 1 #125 (Trail of Blades) - The wild King of Valusia confronts a lawless pack of caravan bandits.
  • Savage Sword of Conan Vol. 1 #128 (The Lair) - TBA
  • Savage Sword of Conan Vol. 1 #133 (The Totem) - TBA
  • Savage Sword of Conan Vol. 1 #139 (The Caravan) - TBA
  • Savage Sword of Conan Vol. 1 #145 (Gift of the Pirate King) - TBA
  • Savage Sword of Conan Vol. 1 #140 (Nightmare) - Kull dreamt of an unnamed girl in the City of Wonders who gets killed by Serpent-Men. The dream continues with the Serpent-Men replacing his advisors and ambushing him. He wakes up and almost kills his lover for the night, Laria. He mistook her for one of them. Kull found the dream to be too vivid to be a common dream. He thought it was a warning. He suspected that the Cult of the Serpent was still active. Meanwhile, in the streets of the City, the girl of the dream gets killed.
  • Savage Sword of Conan Vol. 1 #148 (Host of the Serpent Cult) - An army of Serpent-Men invade Valusia from the West, annihilating villages in their path. The Serpent-Men are riding horses, and are equipped with full metal armor, swords, spears, bows and arrows. Kull and his soldiers manage to kill some of the scouts of the advancing army. They then retreat back to the City of Wonders, preparing for a siege.
  • Savage Sword of Conan Vol. 1 #149 (Traitors' Gold) - During the Siege of the City of Wonders, Lord Rota Aurix betrayed Valusia and defected to the Serpent-Men. He revealed to them a weak spot in the defenses of the City, that would serve as a focus point for their attack. Kull anticipated their attack, however, and increased the soldiers guiding the weak spot. This move proved decisive in beating back the invaders. The enraged Serpent-Men blamed Lord Rota for his advice and killed him.
  • Savage Sword of Conan Vol. 1 #159 (The Plague King) - The Serpent-Men continued besieging the City of Wonders. There was a plague outbreak within the walls of the City. Kull decided that the victims would be quarantined. One of said victims, Lord Khorata, did not obey. He convinced a mob of the infected to go into revolt and attack the palace. Kull led the Red Slayers in fighting back and killing the rebels. He then used the infected corpses as catapult missiles, throwing them into the Serpent-Men's camp. Hoping that the plague would spread to the enemy.
  • Savage Sword of Conan Vol. 1 #150 (Trial by Fear) - TBA
  • Savage Sword of Conan Vol. 1 #151 (A Bond of Blood) - TBA
  • Savage Sword of Conan Vol. 1 #152 (Invictus) - TBA
  • Savage Sword of Conan Vol. 1 #215 (The Savage Brotherhood) - TBA/(Caresses of Mine Enemy) - TBA
  • Savage Sword of Conan Vol. 1 #161 (Distortions) - TBA
  • Savage Sword of Conan Vol. 1 #165 (Siege!) - TBA
  • Savage Sword of Conan Vol. 1 #182 (The Man Who Would Be King) - TBA
  • Savage Sword of Conan Vol. 1 #169 (Death and Taxes) - TBA
  • Savage Sword of Conan Vol. 1 #172 (A Groaning in the Earth) - TBA
  • Savage Sword of Conan Vol. 1 #183 (Threnody) - TBA
  • Savage Sword of Conan Vol. 1 #119 (From Beyond the Grave!) - TBA
  • Savage Sword of Conan Vol. 1 #126 (The King's Dream) - TBA
  • Savage Sword of Conan Vol. 1 #127 (The Carrion Eaters) - TBA
  • Marvel Graphic Novel Vol. 1 #47 (Kull: The Vale of Shadow) - Death attempts a most insidious seduction of King Kull in order to entrap him in her cold, unbreakable grip. Meanwhile Kull's friends. Brule, Tu, Ridondo, and Count Ballin recount their most memorable adventures with King Kull, unaware of how Death is attempting to slay their king.
  • Savage Sword of Conan Vol. 1 #129 (The Barrens) - TBA
  • Savage Sword of Conan Vol. 1 #130 (Beneath the Crown... A Warrior) - TBA
  • Savage Sword of Conan Vol. 1 #136 (The Tolltaker) - TBA
  • Savage Sword of Conan Vol. 1 #134 (Keeper of Laws) - TBA
  • Savage Sword of Conan Vol. 1 #147 (Rites of Passage) - TBA
  • Conan the Barbarian Vol. 1 #10 (The King and the Oak) - TBA
  • Amazing Spider-Man Annual Vol. 1 #23 (Cataclysm) - 20,000 years ago the second host of Celestials came to Earth to follow up on their experiments. They discovered that the Deviants of Lemuria have enslaved humanity. However, there are forces at work to try and oust the Deviant occupation. One such man was the alchemist known as Atra, who was working on a weapon to vanquish their enslavers. This was the Serpent Crown, a device that was constructed by alchemists with the help of the dreaded Serpent Men. Meanwhile, the city of Atlantis was under attack by Deviant forces. The only beings opposing the Deviants is Lord Kamuu, the ruler of Atlantis, and his wife Zartra. With the battle going poorly, Kamuu ordered the lava flows around the island opened. This destroys the Deviant invasion fleets, but also doomed Atlantis to sink to the bottom of the ocean. As Zartra fell to the blade of the Lemurian warrior known as Nolem, Atra sacrificed his daughter to power the Serpent Crown. At that same moment, the Deviant ruler known as Phraud is informed of the arrival of the Celestials, and orders their ship shot down. As Kamuu lamented the death of his bride, Atra attempted to use the Serpent Crown to eliminate Phraug. However, much to his horror, Phraud is a devout worshiper of Set, and is protected from the Serpent Crown's power. It's at this moment that the Deviants attempted to attack the Celestials. In retaliation to this, the space gods used their power to sink the islands of Atlantis and Lemuria. As the Eternals came to help those ravaged by the ensuing flooding, the Celestials imprisoned the traitorous Dreaming Celestial. Among the wreckage of Lemuria remained the bodies of Atra and Phraud, still grappling for the Serpent Crown.

The Hyborian Age

  • Age of Conan: Bêlit Vol. 1 #1 (Bone Whispers: Episode One) - TBA
  • Age of Conan: Bêlit Vol. 1 #2 (Bone Whispers: Episode Two) - TBA
  • Age of Conan: Bêlit Vol. 1 #3 (Bone Whispers: Episode Three) - TBA
  • Age of Conan: Bêlit Vol. 1 #4 (Bone Whispers: Episode Four) - TBA
  • Age of Conan: Bêlit Vol. 1 #5 (Bone Whispers: Episode Five) - TBA
  • Age of Conan: Valeria Vol. 1 #1 (Child of War) - TBA
  • Age of Conan: Valeria Vol. 1 #2 (Warrior of Aquilona) - TBA
  • Age of Conan: Valeria Vol. 1 #3 (Ghost of the Past) - TBA
  • Age of Conan: Valeria Vol. 1 #4 (Lord of Lies) - TBA
  • Age of Conan: Valeria Vol. 1 #5 (Heart of Vengeance) - TBA
  • Age of Conan: Valeria Vol. 1 #1 (The Fall of Thoth-Amon Part 1) - TBA
  • Age of Conan: Valeria Vol. 1 #2 (The Fall of Thoth-Amon Part 2) - TBA
  • Age of Conan: Valeria Vol. 1 #3 (The Fall of Thoth-Amon Part 3) - TBA
  • Age of Conan: Valeria Vol. 1 #4 (The Fall of Thoth-Amon Part 4) - TBA
  • Age of Conan: Valeria Vol. 1 #5 (The Fall of Thoth-Amon Part 5) - TBA
  • Savage Sword of Conan Vol. 1 #7 (The Hyborian Age - Chapter 1: The Pre-Cataclysmic Age) - TBA
  • Savage Sword of Conan Vol. 1 #8 (The Hyborian Age - Chapter 2: The Rise of the Hyborians) - TBA
  • Savage Sword of Conan Vol. 1 #12 (The Hyborian Age - Chapter 3: The Hyborian Kingdoms) - TBA
  • Conan the Adventurer Vol. 1 #5 (The Hyborian Age) - TBA

Young Conan

  • Conan the Barbarian Vol. 1 #232 - Conan is born.
  • Conan the Barbarian Vol. 1 #233 (Pages 1-9) - Several months after his birth, infant Conan survives an encounter with wolves and, as he grows, begins to learn the ways of life as normally taught to boys in Hyborian Age.
  • Savage Sword of Conan Vol. 1 #89 (Rite of Blood) - TBA
  • Savage Sword of Conan Vol. 1 #203 (Old Garrad's Heart) - Conan is off to visit Garrad, a local Cimmerian. Garrad is not part of the Snowhawk tribe, so the shaman won't help him when a tree falls on him. On his way, Conan comes across Jongalt, who tells Conan that Garrad helped Jongalt and Corum, Conan's grandfather, fend off a tribe of Raven Picts. Garrad was stabbed in the heart with a lance, but a strange Pict, the Ghost Man,who none of the Cimmerians wanted to kill for some reason, somehow saved Garrad's life with magic. Garrad has not aged a day since. Conan finds another Cimmerian, Brax, aiding Garrad, who does not expect Garrad to see morning. Garrad claims he won't die because his heart beats no matter what happens to his body. He claims that years before, he spared the Pict who saved him, and that Pict placed the heart of a god in his body, preventing him from dying. He makes Conan swear that if he ever seems to die, Conan will cut the heart out and release his spirit. Conan earns the enmity of Kirhak, a local bully, when he refuses to fetch water for him and throws him in the stream, and that night he and Brax go visit Garrad again. Kirhak follows and throws a spear that brains a fully recovered Garrad. Conan, in a fury, follows and spears Kirhak through the chest. Conan returns to cut the heart, still strongly beating, from Garrad's body and it turns into a jewel, which is reclaimed by the ancient Pict. The Pict returns the heart to his god, a giant bat-like creature, who flies away.
  • Savage Sword of Conan Vol. 1 #227 (Day of Manhood) - Conan is uneasy on his fifteenth birthday because his father wants him to become a blacksmith while he wants to be a warrior like Rion. He is about to partake in his coming of age ceremony -- surviving in a ring with a bull until it tires. He is wished luck by Mara and Jongalt, but Drasil, whose brother Conan killed, plots to kill him by having the slightly mentally challenged Rorem stab the bull into a blood frenzy. Conan manages to kill the bull, and when the deceit is discovered, he kills Rorem before Drasil's part in the plot can be revealed. Conan walks off to bond with his father, who, to Conan's surprise, came to the ceremony.
  • Conan the Adventurer Vol. 1 #9 (The Talisman of Tolometh Part 1) - TBA
  • Conan the Adventurer Vol. 1 #10 (The Talisman of Tolometh Part 2) - TBA
  • Conan the Adventurer Vol. 1 #11 (The Talisman of Tolometh Part 3) - TBA
  • Conan the Adventurer Vol. 1 #12 (The Talisman of Tolometh Part 4) - TBA
  • Conan the Adventurer Vol. 1 #1 - The Battle of Venarium takes place.
  • Savage Sword of Conan Vol. 1 #6 (People of the Dark) - Immediately after the Battle of Venarium, Conan stalks through the streets and spies Tamera and Gaeric, her lover. As the men fight, Tamera steals away into a nearby cave. The men briefly put aside their differences when they hear Tamera's terrified scream. The men separate and Conan eventually stumbles across a black altar with Tamera and Gaeric bound to it. A race of reptile/spider/humanoid creatures are planning to sacrifice them. Conan frees them and they escape through the caverns to a waterfall, where they split up again. The creatures chase Tamera and Gaeric to one side of the falls, and they fight and fall to their deaths, while Conan, safe on the opposite bank, escapes the other way.
  • Savage Sword of Conan Vol. 1 #83 (Hunters and Hunted!) - Conan and Ferus are hunting boar. Conan only kills what he needs to eat, not for sport, so he lets a boar go. The two youths encounter two beautiful women, and, after following them to a stream, split up with them. Conan is just about to kiss Sylvanna when he hears a scream. Investigating, he sees Ferus wither to dust before his eyes -- the women are nymphs intending to feed on the Cimmerian youths. Sylvanna turns into a boar and attacks Conan, but he manages to kill her. He is weaponless, however, when her sister approaches. Because Conan saved the boar earlier, and because she has already fed, she lets Conan go.
  • Savage Tales Vol. 1 #1 (The Frost Giant's Daughter) - Conan, now a member of an Aesir war party, is just finishing off a band of Vanir in the snowy plains, but soon stumbles and falls due to his injuries. A beautiful, scantily clad maiden appears to him, and when she tempts him a little too much, he chases her lustily towards the mountains, knowing she might be luring him to an ambush. When her frost giant brothers appear, he swiftly deals with them and continues his chase, finally catching her. She prays to her father, the god Ymir, to save her, and she vanishes in a flash of blue light. Conan collapses, and is rescued by his Aesir companions, who, while they don't entirely believe his story, are disquieted with the remnants of a dress Conan holds in his hand.
  • Savage Sword of Conan Vol. 1 #182 (Matters of Life and Death) - TBA
  • Conan the Barbarian Vol. 1 #233 (Pages 10-24) - Conan grows into the ways of a young man, but eventually loses an old friend to the forces of evil, Jorrma.
  • Conan the Barbarian Vol. 1 #234 - TBA
  • Conan the Barbarian Vol. 1 #235 - TBA
  • Conan the Barbarian Vol. 1 #236 - TBA
  • Conan the Barbarian Vol. 1 #237 - TBA
  • Conan the Barbarian Vol. 1 #238 - TBA
  • Conan the Barbarian Vol. 1 #239 - TBA
  • Conan the Barbarian Vol. 1 #240 - After pursuing his former friend, Conan ultimately bares witness as Jorrma dies.
  • Savage Tales Vol. 1 #2 (Red Nails) - TBA
  • Conan the Barbarian: Exodus Vol. 1 #1 - TBA * ( * canocity debatable)
  • Kull and the Barbarians Vol. 1 #3 (Red Sonja) (Pages 4-13 flashbacks only) - TBA
  • Conan the Adventurer Vol. 1 #2 - TBA
  • Conan the Barbarian Vol. 1 #31 (Pages 6-21) - Conan finds a magic sword, but decides to not keep it as he felt he didn't need magic to be a powerful warrior.
  • Conan the Barbarian Vol. 1 #1 - Twenty-year old Conan joins with an Aesir raiding party and their invasion of Vanaheim. Conan kills a soldier named Gondur then saves the life of an Aesir named Olav. From a high vantage point, the Vanir leader Volff the Wily watches the battle. He realizes that his men will fail to safeguard the gorge, so he instead decides to flee with his lieutenant Hothar. They tell the other Vanir that they go to call upon the favor of the Gods. They travel north across the mountains until they find a cave for shelter. The inside of the cave appears as if it is a massive temple. Inside is an aged shaman named Sharkosh, and his young maiden Tara. Sharkosh tells them that he safeguards the power of Star-Stone - a device that can project images of the past and the future. Sharkosh requires the sacrifice of a powerful fighter. Volff tells him of the dark maned barbarian he had seen assisting the Aesir. While the villains conspire with one another, Conan and Olaf fight off a trio of winged demon fighters. The winged monsters attack both the Vanir and the Aesir. One of them kills Olav then attacks Conan. It flies Conan high into the air then drops him to the ground where he falls unconscious. When he awakens, he is inside Sharkosh's cavern temple. He sees fantastic images projected by the Star-Stone, including a vision of himself being crowned as a king. Conan knows that the Star-Stone is responsible for spawning the winged monsters that killed Olav. He breaks free of his cage and runs for the stone. Picking it up, he heaves it against a wall until it shatters. An explosion of supernatural energy kills Sharkosh, Volff and Hothar, but Conan manages to grab Tara and dive for safety. Tara explains that she is actually from the same dimension as the winged monsters, but in order for her to remain in this world, another must take her place in her own reality. Sharkosh intended on creating a spell of transference on Conan so that he would unwillingly take Tara's place. With the Star-Stone destroyed, Tara fades away and returns to her home dimension.
  • Conan the Barbarian Vol. 1 #2 - While traveling through Aesgaard, Conan comes upon the dead remains of a giant Beast-Man. He then spies a young woman shivering in the snow. He chases after her hoping to ask her some questions, but she runs away. The woman, Moira, baits Conan into a trap and he is ambushed by two brutish ape men. The beasts lay him low with a blow across the back of the head and drag him down into their underground kingdom of Brutheim. They place him inside of a dungeon filled with "manlings". These men have been raised in slavery and have never once traveled to the surface world. The leader of the slaves is the Chief Thrall, Kiord. Kiord befriends Conan, but tells him that dreams of escaping confinement are futile. Later, Conan is marched out into the middle of a battle arena and presented to the Beast-Men's king, Gha-Kree. He is stripped of his war helm and Conan fights back, but he is quickly overwhelmed. Gha-Kree is impressed with the Cimmerian's temerity and decides that he will be of great sport in the arena games. Conan is taken back to his cell. Kiord offers Conan a sharpened stone should he wish to take his own life. Conan scoffs at the notion, indicating that he still intends to fight back. He is brought back out into the arena and forced to fight against a savage snow-lion. Conan kills the lion with Kiord's rock knife and the sight of victory inspires Kiord to revolt. He breaks free of his cage and his followers run out into the arena. The Beast-Men are shocked but such never before seen courage and are unsure how to react. Many run in fear. Conan and Kiord press against one of the Beast-Men's wheeled battering rams and push it towards the king's throne. The battering ram smashes through the pillars of the arena causing one side of the structure to collapse. During the frenzy, King Zha-Gorr comes up behind Kiord and strikes him dead. Conan leaps in anger and slashes the king across the back of his neck with his sword. The other Beast-Men are either buried beneath the rubble or have fled the arena. Conan takes Zha-Gorr's crown and places it on Kiord's lifeless head, proclaiming him "First among men".
  • Conan the Barbarian Vol. 1 #69 (Pages 3-31 - Excluding the present day) - TBA
  • Savage Sword of Conan Vol. 1 #39 (Legions of the Dead) - Conan joins a group of Aesir and goes hunting with Njal, their chieftain. Upon returning, the tribe goes after a group of scouts sent to a nearby fortress to see what happened to them. The scouts are being tortured to death by the Witchmen of the fortress. Njal returns to camp to decide what to do next, but Conan sneaks away and steals inside the fortress to find Njal's kidnapped daughter. He breaks her out and returns to the tribe, pausing only to light the fortress on fire. The Hyperboreans follow the tribe as it retreats and the Aesir discover to their horror their pursuers are the zombies of their comrades and charred remains of Hyperboreans. The undead slaughter the living, but Conan manages to unseat Vammatar and steal her horse, taking Rann with him, but the zombies pull him to the ground, only sparing his life when Vammatar commands he be taken as a slave. Rann, however, escapes.
  • Conan the Barbarian Vol. 1 #254 (Excluding pages 1 & 30) - TBA
  • Conan the Barbarian Vol. 1 #92 - TBA
  • Conan the Barbarian Vol. 1 #3 - As Conan once again tries to break his slave chains, he is approached by a man who claims war is coming. The man reveals to Conan the flying-horse-riding Choosers of the Slain and in general acts mysterious and godlike. Conan soon comes across Dunlag, a Brythunian, and learns war is brewing between Hyperborea and Brythunia. Dunlag takes Conan to his camp and they meet Dunlag's lover, Eevin. Meanwhile, in the woods, Brythunian commander Malachi secretly meets with the consort of King Tomar of the Hyperboreans. Malachi agrees to betray Brian, king of Brythunia. Back in the Brythunian camp, Eevin sees visions of the Grey God Conan met earlier, but Dunlag is determined to fight. Conan joins the Brythunians, mostly to get revenge for being enslaved by the Hyperboareans, and meets Malachi. The two do not get along. The armies clash the next morning and Conan gets revenge on several Hyperboareans, especially one particular one who whipped him. However, oddly, Malachi refuses to bring his cavalry to bear. Conan suspects treachery. Dunlag is killed, which enrages Conan and he chases and kills Malachi, Brian and Tomar meet and both slay the other as the Grey God watches. The Choosers of the Slain fly from the sky and take the honored dead as Conan realizes he had just encountered the god Borri.
  • Conan the Adventurer Vol. 1 #3 - TBA
  • Conan the Adventurer Vol. 1 #4 - TBA
  • Conan the Adventurer Vol. 1 #13 (The Talisman of Tolometh Part 5) - TBA
  • Conan the Adventurer Vol. 1 #5 (The Woman Who Walks Alone) - TBA
  • Conan the Adventurer Vol. 1 #6 - TBA
  • Conan the Adventurer Vol. 1 #7 - TBA
  • Savage Sword of Conan Vol. 1 #8 (The Forever Phial) - Conan slays a large white wolf one evening, unaware that the wolf's master, the immortal sorcerer Ranephi, has been watching the barbarian for some time. At a nearby village, Conan heads straight for the local tavern to boast about the wolf, and the townspeople warn him that Ranephi's vengeance will soon come. Meanwhile, the wizard releases his other animals and burns all of his scrolls and books. Conan, anxious to flee before the sorcerer's alleged might, is given a horse by a helpful dwarf, Hannibal, unaware that the misshapen man works for Ranephi. The wizard then magically redirects Conan to his castle. Once there, Conan fends off an attack by a fire-elemental, and flees into the keep itself. He is herded, unknowingly, to Sanephi himself, and, when he spies the sorcerer, lets lose a fatal blow with his axe. It seems that Ranephi was not blessed with immortality, but rather cursed, and needed someone else to end his life. And he had chosen Conan, who was happy to oblige.
  • Conan the Adventurer Vol. 1 #8 - TBA
  • Conan the Adventurer Vol. 1 #9 - TBA
  • Conan the Adventurer Vol. 1 #10 - TBA
  • Conan the Adventurer Vol. 1 #11 - TBA
  • Conan the Adventurer Vol. 1 #12 - TBA
  • Conan the Adventurer Vol. 1 #13 - TBA
  • Conan the Adventurer Vol. 1 #14 - TBA

Conan the Thief
